Cenla Pregnancy Center provides unplanned pregnancy services and abortion information in Alexandria, Louisiana. We exist to provide accurate medical information and support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. All services are provided at no cost.


Pregnancy Test

Although home pregnancy tests are usually accurate, it is common to want to verify these results with a medical professional. Our centers offer free urine pregnancy tests in a comfortable and safe environment.

Limited Ultrasound

A free limited ultrasound will be scheduled to determine how far along you are, if the pregnancy is in the uterus and if there is a heartbeat.


Each client will have the opportunity to meet with a client advocate to discuss their feelings and desires about their pregnancy. Clients receive the support needed and community referrals will be offered along with education and material resources.

Post Abortion Support

Our centers offer a support program for any woman who has an abortion in her past. This confidential program is available for anyone. Please contact a staff member to see how we can provide support.

If you’re considering abortion in Alexandria, Louisiana, we’re here to help.

Cenla Pregnancy Center

Call: (318) 314-3061


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